This commit is contained in:
ABelliqueux 2022-10-06 11:44:59 +02:00
commit b51b2db8db
4 changed files with 604 additions and 0 deletions

276 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, os
import http.client
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, make_response, jsonify
from waitress import serve
app = Flask(__name__)
video_folder = "/home/pi"
media_ext = [ "mp4", "avi", "mkv" ]
# ~ video_folder = "/media/"
## base64 encoded ":secret""
# import base64
# passwd = "foo"
# passswd64 = str(base64.b64encode(passwd.encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8')
auth = "OnNlY3JldA=="
cmd_auth = "OnNlY3JldA=="
hosts = [ "", "" ]
# VLC http LUA port
port = 8080
# Clients cmd port
cmd_port = 5000
hosts_available, hosts_unavailable = [],[]
# Map vlc cmds
# See
cmd = {
"play" : "pl_play",
"resume" : "pl_forceresume",
"pause" : "pl_forcepause",
"tpause" : "pl_pause",
"previous" : "pl_previous",
"next" : "pl_next",
"stop" : "pl_stop",
"enqueue" : "in_enqueue",
"add" : "in_play",
"clear" : "pl_empty",
"delete" : "pl_delete",
"loop" : "pl_loop",
"repeat" : "pl_repeat",
"random" : "pl_random",
"move" : "pl_move",
"sort" : "pl_sort",
"seek" : "seek",
"sync" : "sync",
"status" : "status.xml",
"list" : "playlist.xml",
#"volume" : "volume",
#"ratio" : "aspectratio",
#"dir" : "?dir=<uri>",
#"command" : "?command=<cmd>",
#"key" : "key=",
#"browse" : "browse.xml?uri=file://~"
# System commands :
"rssi" : "rssi",
"blink" : "blink",
"poweroff" : "poweroff",
"reboot" : "reboot",
# Network/link utilities
def isup(host_l, port):
global DEBUG
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host_l, port))
print( "Port " + str(port) + " reachable")
return 1
except (socket.error, socket.timeout) as e:
print("Error on connect to " + host_l + ": %s" % e)
return 0
def checkHosts(host_l):
hostdown, hostup = [], []
hosts_number = str(len(host_l))
for lhost in host_l:
if not isup(lhost, 8080):
print( str(len(hostup)) + " of " + hosts_number + " hosts found.")
return hostup, hostdown
# File utilities
def listMediaFiles(folder):
files = os.listdir(folder);
medias = []
for fd in files:
if len(fd.split('.')) > 1:
if fd.split('.')[1] in media_ext:
return medias
# /requests/status.xml?command=in_enqueue&input=file:///home/pi/tst1.mp4
def writeM3U(m3u_content : str, host : str):
filename = host.replace(".", "_") + ".m3u"
fd = open(filename, "w")
return 1
# String utilities
def escapeStr(uri):
return uri.replace(" ", "%20")
def sec2min(duration):
return('%02d:%02d' % (duration / 60, duration % 60))
# VLC lua utilities
def sendCommand(host, arg0, arg1, arg2):
#conn = http.client.HTTPConnection( host + ":" + str(port), timeout=3 )
portl = port
# Build request
req = "/requests/status.xml"
if arg0 == "list" :
req = "/requests/playlist.xml"
elif arg0 == "rssi":
req = "/rssi"
portl = cmd_port
elif arg0 == "reboot":
req = "/reboot"
portl = cmd_port
elif arg0 == "poweroff":
req = "/poweroff"
portl = cmd_port
elif arg0 != "status" :
req = req + "?command=" + cmd[arg0]
if arg1 != "null" :
if (arg0 == "play") or (arg0 == "delete") or (arg0 == "sort") or (arg0 == "move"):
req = req + "&id=" + arg1
if (arg0 == "sort") or (arg0 == "move") :
# val possible values : id, title, title nodes first, artist, genre, random, duration, title numeric, album
req = req + "&val=" + escapeStr(arg2)
elif arg0 == "seek" :
req = req + "&val=" + arg1
elif (arg0 == "enqueue") or (arg0 == "add") :
req = req + "&input=file://" + video_folder + "/" + arg1
# Send request
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection( host + ":" + str(portl), timeout=3 )
conn.request( "GET", req, headers={"Authorization":"Basic " + auth} )
return "Connection to " + host + " was refused on port " + str(portl)
resp = conn.getresponse()
# Parse response
data =
if arg0 == "rssi":
response_dict = {
'host': host,
'rssi': str(data, 'UTF-8')
return response_dict
xml = ET.fromstring(data)
if arg0 != "list" :
meta = xml.findall("./information/category/")
if meta:
for leaf in meta:
if leaf.get("name") == "filename":
filename = leaf.text
filename = "N/A"
cur_length = int(xml.find('length').text)
cur_time = int(xml.find('time').text)
cur_length_fmtd = sec2min(cur_length)
cur_time_fmtd = sec2min(cur_time)
response_dict = {
'host': host,
'file': filename,
'time': cur_time_fmtd,
'leng': cur_length_fmtd,
'pos': xml.find('position').text,
'loop': xml.find('loop').text,
'repeat': xml.find('repeat').text,
return response_dict
# Build M3U file from playlist
playlist = []
playlist_duration = 0
m3u_hdr = "#EXTM3U\n"
m3u_prefix = "#EXTINF:"
item_list = []
if xml.find("./node") and xml.find("./node").get('name') == "Playlist":
m3u_content = m3u_hdr
playlist = xml.findall("./node/leaf")
#item_list = []
for item in playlist:
m3u_content += m3u_prefix + item.get("duration") + ", " + item.get("name") + "\n" + item.get("uri") + "\n"
playlist_duration += int(item.get("duration"))
# ~ item_info = item.get("id") + " : " + item.get("name") + " - " + sec2min( int( item.get("duration") ) )
item_info = item.get("id") + ";" + item.get("name") + ";" + sec2min( int( item.get("duration") ) )
playlist_overview = {
"host" : host,
"leng" : str(len(playlist)),
"duration" : sec2min(playlist_duration),
"items" : item_list
return playlist_overview
status_message = "Idle"
def main():
global hosts
status_message = "Searching network for live hosts..."
# ~ hosts_available, hosts_unavailable = checkHosts(hosts)
templateData = {
'hosts' : hosts,
'status_message' : status_message
return render_template('main.html', **templateData)
def scan():
global hosts_available, hosts_unavailable
hosts_available, hosts_unavailable = checkHosts(hosts)
hosts_status = [hosts_available, hosts_unavailable]
return hosts_status
def browse():
files = listMediaFiles("../");
return files;
@app.route("/<host>/<arg0>/", defaults = { "arg1": "null", "arg2": "null" })
@app.route("/<host>/<arg0>/<arg1>/", defaults = { "arg2": "null" })
def action(host, arg0, arg1, arg2):
status_message = "Idle"
if arg0 not in cmd:
# ~ return "<p>Wrong command</p>"
status_message = "<p>Wrong command</p>"
elif host == "all":
resp = []
for hostl in hosts_available:
resp.append( sendCommand(hostl, arg0, arg1, arg2) )
status_message = resp
elif host not in hosts_available:
status_message = "<p>Host is not reachable</p>"
status_message = sendCommand(host, arg0, arg1, arg2)
return status_message
if __name__ == '__main__':
# ~ serve(app, host='', port=8080)

static/script.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
var scanInterval = 3000;
// Bouttons de commande
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
// Tous les elements avec la classe ".command"
var commandButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".command");
for (var i=0, l=commandButtons.length; i<l; i++) {
var button = commandButtons[i];
// Sur un click
button.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
// On intercepte le signal
// On recupere la valeur de value="" sur le bouton
var clickedButton = event.currentTarget;
var command = clickedButton.value;
if (( command == "/" ) || ( command == "/" )) {
if ( !confirm("Êtes vous certain de vouloir effectuer cette action ?") ) {
return 0;
} else if ( command == "/scan" ) {
document.getElementById("status_all").innerHTML = "Searching network for live hosts...";
} else if ( command.indexOf("/sort") > -1 ){
if (command.indexOf('/1/') > -1 ) {
clickedButton.value = clickedButton.value.replace('/1/','/0/')
} else {
clickedButton.value = clickedButton.value.replace('/0/','/1/')
} else if ( command.indexOf("/move") > -1 ) {
const test_array = [5,6,7,8];
for (i=test_array.length, l=0;i>l;i--){
sendCmd("/all/move/" + test_array[i-1] + "/1");
//setInterval( sendCmd, scanInterval, "/all/move/16/1");
// On envoie la commande en AJAX
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if ( command == "/scan" ) {
request.onload = refreshInfos(command);
// On construit la commande"GET", command, true);
// et on l'envoie
}, true);
// Affichage des infos
function parseResult(command, infos_array) {
//~ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
//~ request.onload = function() {
//~ if (request.readyState === request.DONE) {
//~ if (request.status === 200) {
//~ // responseText is a string, use parse to get an array.
//~ const infos_array = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
switch (command) {
case "/all/status":
// Iterate over array
for (var i = 0, l=infos_array.length; i<l; i++) {
document.getElementById("status_"+infos_array[i].host).innerHTML = "Playing " + infos_array[i].file + " : " + infos_array[i].time + " / " + infos_array[i].leng;
if (infos_array[i].loop == "true") { document.getElementById("loop_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#0f0"} else {document.getElementById("loop_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#f00"};
if (infos_array[i].repeat == "true") { document.getElementById("repeat_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#0f0"} else {document.getElementById("repeat_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#f00"};
case "/all/list":
for (var i = 0, l=infos_array.length; i<l; i++) {
document.getElementById("playlist_"+infos_array[i].host).innerHTML = infos_array[i].leng + " item(s) in playlist - " + infos_array[i].duration;
var items_array = Array.from(infos_array[i].items);
var html_table = "<table>" +
"<tr>" +
"<th>Id</th>" +
"<th>Filename</th>" +
"<th>Duration</th>" +
for (var j = 0, k=items_array.length; j<k; j++) {
item_meta = items_array[j].split(';');
html_table += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + item_meta[0] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + item_meta[1] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + item_meta[2] + "</td>" +
"</tr>" ;
html_table += "</table>";
document.getElementById("playlist_"+infos_array[i].host).innerHTML += html_table;
case "/scan":
var host_up = infos_array[0];
var host_down = infos_array[1];
for ( var i=0, l=host_up.length; i<l; i++){
document.getElementById(host_up[i]).style.display = 'initial';
for ( var i=0, l=host_down.length; i<l; i++){
document.getElementById(host_down[i]).style.display = 'none';
//~ if (host_up.length) {
//~ scanInterval = 10000;
//~ document.getElementById("status_all").innerHTML = "Scan intarvel set to " + scanInterval;
//~ }
document.getElementById("status_all").innerHTML = host_up.length + " client(s) found.";
case "/browse":
var html_table = "<table>" +
"<tr>" +
"<th>Filename</th>" +
"<th>Duration</th>" +
for (var j = 0, k=infos_array.length; j<k; j++) {
html_table += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + infos_array[j] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + "00:00" + "</td>" +
"</tr>" ;
html_table += "</table>";
document.getElementById("filelist").innerHTML += html_table;
case "/all/rssi":
var signal_color = 40;
var best_rssi = 30;
var worst_rssi = 70;
for (var j = 0, k=infos_array.length; j<k; j++) {
var rssi_norm = Math.ceil( (worst_rssi - parseInt(infos_array[j].rssi) ) / ( worst_rssi - best_rssi ) * 4 );
signal_color = (rssi_norm-1) * signal_color;
// Reset to grey
for (i=0, l=4; i<l;i++) {
document.getElementById("wl_"+i).style.backgroundColor = "hsl(0, 0%, 65%)";
// Color it
for (i=0, l=rssi_norm; i<l;i++) {
document.getElementById("wl_"+i).style.backgroundColor = "hsl(" + signal_color + ", 100%, 50%)";
}; // End switch case
//~ };
//~ };
//~ };
//~ // On construit la commande
//~"GET", command, true);
//~ // et on l'envoie
//~ request.send();
function sendCmd(command) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function() {
if (request.readyState === request.DONE) {
if (request.status === 200) {
// responseText is a string, use parse to get an array.
var infos_array = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
parseResult(command, infos_array);
//return infos_array;
// On construit la commande"GET", command, true);
// et on l'envoie
setInterval( sendCmd, 500, "/all/status");
setInterval( sendCmd, 1000, "/all/list");
setInterval( sendCmd, scanInterval, "/scan");
setInterval( sendCmd, 10000, "/all/rssi");
/* TODO :
* Change scanInterval after first results are in (3 to 30 seconds)

static/style.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
body {color:#fff;background-color:#666;}
h2 {margin:0;}
table {background-color: #555;margin:.5em;}
td {padding: .2em .5em;}
th {background-color: #aaa;}
tr:nth-child(2n+1) {background-color: #888;}
#master_remote {background-color:#222;min-height: 20em;}
#master_remote .right_col {background-color:transparent;}
.client_container {border-bottom: #bbb solid 4px;display:none;}
.client_container .button{}
.timeline {height: 3em;background-color: #0f0;margin: 2em 0;}
.right_col {width: 78%;display: inline-block;background-color:#888;}
.client_container:nth-child(2n+1) {background-color:#444;}
.command {margin: 0 !important;}
.buttons {width:75%;margin:auto;text-align: center;padding: 2em;}
.btn {
height: 4em;
padding: 6px 12px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1.42857143;
text-align: center;
white-space: nowrap;
vertical-align: middle;
-ms-touch-action: manipulation;
touch-action: manipulation;
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
background-image: none;
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-top-color: transparent;
border-right-color: transparent;
border-bottom-color: transparent;
border-left-color: transparent;
border-radius: 4px;
.btn_txt {display: block;font-size: small;}
/*Left column*/
.left_col {width: 20%;display: inline-block;float: left;clear: left;}
.left_col button {
width: 2em;
height: 2em;
padding: 0;
line-height: 2em;
.left_col button .btn_txt {display:none;position: absolute;left: 5%;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;font-size: medium;}
.left_col button:hover .btn_txt {display:initial;}
.col_1 {
width: 50%;
float: left;
.col_2 {
width: 50%;
display: inline-block;
clear: right;
.indicator {display:inline-block;background-color: #f00;}
.wl_indicator {
display: inline-block;
background-color: #bbb;
vertical-align: bottom;
margin: 0 1px;
padding: 0;
height: .5em;
width: 1em;
#wl_0 {height:.5em;}
#wl_1 {height:.65em;}
#wl_2 {height:.80em;}
#wl_3 {height:.95em;}

templates/main.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>RPi Web Server</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-1q8mTJOASx8j1Au+a5WDVnPi2lkFfwwEAa8hDDdjZlpLegxhjVME1fgjWPGmkzs7" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-fLW2N01lMqjakBkx3l/M9EahuwpSfeNvV63J5ezn3uZzapT0u7EYsXMjQV+0En5r" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{url_for('static', filename='style.css')}}">
<div id="master_remote">
<div class="left_col">
<h2>Videopi commander</h2>
<p id="status_all">{{status_message}}</p>
<p id="filelist">No files.</p>
<div class="right_col">
<p class="buttons">
<button value="/scan" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x1f50d;<span class="btn_txt">Scan<br/>r&eacute;seau</span></button>
<button value="/all/previous" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23ee;<span class="btn_txt">Pr&eacute;c.</span></button>
<button value="/all/play" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23f5;<span class="btn_txt">Lecture</span></button>
<button value="/all/pause" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23f8;<span class="btn_txt">Pause</span></button>
<button value="/all/stop" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23f9;<span class="btn_txt">Stop</span></button>
<button value="/all/next" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23ed;<span class="btn_txt">Suivant</span></button>
<button value="/all/repeat" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x1f502;<span class="btn_txt">R&eacute;p&eacute;ter<br/>&eacute;lem.</span></button>
<button value="/all/loop" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x1f501;<span class="btn_txt">Boucler<br/>liste</span></button>
<button value="/all/clear" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">X<span class="btn_txt">Vider<br/>listes</span></button>
<button value="/all/enqueue/tst.mp4" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x3b2;<span class="btn_txt">tst.mp4</span></button>
<button value="/all/enqueue/tst1.mp4" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x3b2;<span class="btn_txt">tst1.mp4</span></button>
<button value="/move" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x3b2;<span class="btn_txt">movePl</span></button>
{% for host in hosts %}
<div class="client_container" id="{{ host }}">
<div class="left_col">
<div class="col_1">
<h2>{{ host }}</h2>
<button value="/{{host}}/poweroff" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23fb;<span class="btn_txt">&Eacute;teindre</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/reboot" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x21BA;<span class="btn_txt">Red&eacute;marrer</span></button>
<p id="status_{{ host }}">{{status_message}}</p>
<p id="signal_{{ host }}">
<span style="">Signal:</span>
<span class="wl_indicator" id="wl_0"></span>
<span class="wl_indicator" id="wl_1"></span>
<span class="wl_indicator" id="wl_2"></span>
<span class="wl_indicator" id="wl_3"></span>
<p id="loop_ind_{{ host }}" class="indicator">Loop</p>
<p id="repeat_ind_{{ host }}" class="indicator">Repeat</p>
<div class="col_2">
<p id="playlist_{{ host }}">No files queued.</p>
<div class="right_col">
<div class="timeline"></div>
<p class="buttons">
<button value="/{{host}}/previous" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23ee;<span class="btn_txt">Pr&eacute;c.</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/play" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23f5;<span class="btn_txt">Lecture</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/pause" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23f8;<span class="btn_txt">Pause</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/stop" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23f9;<span class="btn_txt">Stop</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/next" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x23ed;<span class="btn_txt">Suivant</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/repeat" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x1f502;<span class="btn_txt">R&eacute;p&eacute;ter<br/>&eacute;lem.</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/loop" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x1f501;<span class="btn_txt">Boucler<br/>liste</span></button>
<button value="/{{host}}/clear" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">X<span class="btn_txt">Vider<br/>liste</span></button>
<button id="toggle_val_{{host}}}" value="/{{host}}/sort/1/id" class="command btn btn-block btn-lg btn-default" role="button">&#x1f500;<span class="btn_txt">Trier<br/>liste</span></button>
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{url_for('static', filename='script.js')}}"></script>