
533 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# pilpil-client 0.1
# abelliqueux <contact@arthus.net>
import base64
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, make_response, jsonify
import gettext
import http.client
import os
# ~ import requests
# ~ import socket
import ssl
import subprocess
from shutil import which
import sys
# ~ import threading
import toml
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from waitress import serve
# l10n
LOCALE = os.getenv('LANG', 'en')
_ = gettext.translation('template', localedir='locales', languages=[LOCALE]).gettext
gui_l10n = { "str_pilpil_title" : _("Pilpil-server"),
"str_filename" : _("Media Files"),
"str_scan" : _("Scan"),
"str_previous" : _("Previous"),
"str_play" : _("Play"),
"str_pause" : _("Pause"),
"str_stop" : _("Stop"),
"str_next" : _("Next"),
"str_loop" : _("Loop"),
"str_repeat" : _("Repeat"),
"str_clear" : _("Clear"),
"str_sort" : _("Sort"),
"str_sync" : _("Sync"),
"str_poweroff" : _("Poweroff"),
"str_reboot" : _("Reboot"),
"str_blink" : _("Blink"),
"str_link" : _("Link"),
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config.from_file("defaults.toml", load=toml.load)
config_locations = ["./", "~/.", "~/.config/"]
for location in config_locations:
# Optional config files, ~ is expanded to $HOME on *nix, %USERPROFILE% on windows
if app.config.from_file(os.path.expanduser( location + "pilpil-server.toml"), load=toml.load, silent=True):
print( _("Found configuration file in {}").format( os.path.expanduser(location) ) )
hosts_available, hosts_unavailable = [],[]
queue_msgs = [
_("No items"),
_("No files queued.")
cmd_player = {
# Map vlc http url parameters to pilpil-server urls
# See https://github.com/videolan/vlc/blob/1336447566c0190c42a1926464fa1ad2e59adc4f/share/lua/http/requests/README.txt
"play" : "pl_play",
"resume" : "pl_forceresume",
"pause" : "pl_forcepause",
"tpause" : "pl_pause",
"previous" : "pl_previous",
"next" : "pl_next",
"stop" : "pl_stop",
"enqueue" : "in_enqueue",
"add" : "in_play",
"clear" : "pl_empty",
"delete" : "pl_delete",
"loop" : "pl_loop",
"repeat" : "pl_repeat",
"random" : "pl_random",
"move" : "pl_move",
"sort" : "pl_sort",
"seek" : "seek",
"status" : "status.xml",
"list" : "playlist.xml",
#"volume" : "volume",
#"ratio" : "aspectratio",
#"dir" : "?dir=<uri>",
#"command" : "?command=<cmd>",
#"key" : "key=",
"browse" : "browse.xml?uri=file://~"
cmd_server = [
# Map pilpil-client http url parameters to pilpil-server urls
# Configuration
debug = app.config['DEFAULT']['debug']
pi_user = app.config['DEFAULT']['pi_user']
media_folder_remote = app.config['DEFAULT']['media_folder_remote']
media_folder_remote_expanded = media_folder_remote.replace("~/", "/home/{}/".format(pi_user))
media_folder_local = os.path.expanduser(app.config['DEFAULT']['media_folder_local'])
media_exts = app.config['DEFAULT']['media_exts']
auth = str(base64.b64encode(str(":" + app.config['DEFAULT']['vlc_auth']).encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8')
cmd_auth = str(base64.b64encode(str(":" + app.config['DEFAULT']['cmd_auth']).encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8')
hosts = app.config['DEFAULT']['hosts']
vlc_port = app.config['DEFAULT']['vlc_port']
cmd_port = app.config['DEFAULT']['cmd_port']
useSSL = app.config['DEFAULT']['useSSL']
CAfile = app.config['DEFAULT']['CAfile']
sync_facility = app.config['DEFAULT']['sync_facility']
http_headers = {"Authorization":"Basic " + auth}
# SSl context creation should be out of class
sslcontext = ssl.create_default_context()
if os.path.exists(CAfile):
sslcontext.check_hostname = False
sslcontext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
current_upload = 0
class PilpilClient:
def __init__(self):
def __init_connection(self):
def __send_request(self):
def isup(self):
def rssi(self):
def status(self):
def playlist(self):
def command(self, cmd):
def __str__(self):
def __del__(self):
# Network/link utilities
# https://www.metageek.com/training/resources/understanding-rssi/
def send_HTTP_request(listed_host, port, time_out=3, request_="/"):
Send a http request with http auth
if useSSL:
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection( listed_host + ":" + str(port), timeout=time_out, context = sslcontext )
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection( listed_host + ":" + str(port), timeout=time_out )
if debug:
print(request_ + " - " + str(http_headers))
conn.request("GET", request_, headers=http_headers)
resp = conn.getresponse()
data = resp.read()
if debug:
print(_("{} reachable on {}").format(str(listed_host), str(port)))
print("Data length:" + str(len(data)))
return data
except Exception as e:
if debug:
print(_("Error on connection to {} : {} : {} ").format(listed_host, str(port), e))
return 0
def check_hosts(host_list):
Check hosts in a host list are up and build then return two lists with up/down hosts.
hosts_up, hosts_down = [], []
hosts_number = str(len(host_list))
for local_host in host_list:
if send_HTTP_request(local_host, vlc_port, time_out=1):
if debug:
print( _("{} of {} hosts found.").format(str(len(hosts_up)), hosts_number))
return hosts_up, hosts_down
def HTTP_upload(filename, host_local, port, trailing_slash=1):
Build HTTP file upload request and send it.
url = "https://" + host_local + ":" + str(port) + "/upload"
if not trailing_slash:
filename = "/" + filename
files = { "file":( filename, open( media_folder_local + filename, "rb"), "multipart/form-data") }
if debug:
resp = requests.post(url, files=files, headers=http_headers, verify=CAfile)
if debug:
if resp.ok:
return 1
return 0
def sync_media_folder(media_folder_local, media_folder_remote, host_local, port, sync_facility=sync_facility):
Sync media_folder_local with media_folder_remote using sync_facility
total_size = 0
transfer_ok = 0
trailing_slash = 1
# Check for trailing / and add it if missing
if media_folder_local[-1:] != "/":
media_folder_local += "/"
trailing_slash = 0
if media_folder_remote[-1:] != "/":
media_folder_remote += "/"
#Using http_upload
if sync_facility == "http":
media_list = list_media_files(media_folder_local)
for media in media_list:
current_upload = media.strip("/")
if debug:
print("Uploading " + str(media))
if HTTP_upload(media, host_local, port, trailing_slash):
if debug:
print("File size : " + str(os.stat(media_folder_local + media).st_size))
total_size += os.stat(media_folder_local + media).st_size
transfer_ok += 1
# ~ return _("{} files uploaded.").format(str(transfer_ok))
# ~ return _("{} files uploaded.").format(str(transfer_ok))
# Using system cmd
elif which(sync_facility):
# Build subprocess arg list accroding to sync_facility
# Using Rsync
if sync_facility == "rsync":
scrape_str = "total size is "
sync_args = [sync_facility, "-zharm", "--include='*/'"]
for media_type in media_exts:
sync_args.append( "--include='*." + media_type + "'" )
sync_args.extend(["--exclude='*'", media_folder_local, host_local + ":" + media_folder_remote])
# Using scp
if sync_facility == "scp":
media_list = list_media_files(media_folder_local)
sync_args = [sync_facility, "-Crp", "-o IdentitiesOnly=yes"]
for media in media_list:
sync_args.append( media_folder_local + media )
sync_args.append( host_local + ":" + media_folder_remote )
sync_proc = subprocess.run( sync_args , capture_output=True)
if len(sync_proc.stdout):
scrape_index = str(sync_proc.stdout).index(scrape_str)+len(scrape_str)
total_size = str(sync_proc.stdout)[ scrape_index: ].split(" ")[0][:-1]
if debug:
print("Transferred size : " + str(total_size))
return total_size
def get_meta_data(host, xml_data, request_="status", m3u_=0):
Parse XML response from pilpil-client instance and return a dict of metadata according to request type.
# Basic metadata
media_infos = {
'host': host,
'status': 0
if request_ == "list":
# Return current instance's playlist
return get_playlist(host, xml_data, m3u_)
elif request_ == "status":
# Return current instance's status ( currently playing, state, time length, etc. )
if xml_data.findall("./information/category/"):
for leaf in xml_data.findall("./information/category/"):
if leaf.get("name") == "filename":
filename = leaf.text
filename = "N/A"
cur_length = int(xml_data.find('length').text)
cur_time = int(xml_data.find('time').text)
cur_length_fmtd = sec2min(cur_length)
cur_time_fmtd = sec2min(cur_time)
cur_id = int(xml_data.find('currentplid').text)
cur_pos = xml_data.find('position').text
cur_loop = xml_data.find('loop').text
cur_repeat = xml_data.find('repeat').text
'status' : 1,
'file': filename,
'time': cur_time_fmtd,
'leng': cur_length_fmtd,
'pos': cur_pos,
'loop': cur_loop,
'repeat': cur_repeat,
'id': cur_id,
elif request_ == "rssi":
# Return current instance's wifi signal quality
if debug:
if xml_data.findall("rssi"):
'status': 1,
'rssi' : xml_data.find('rssi').text
elif request_ == "browse":
host_medias = {}
for media in xml_data:
media_name = media.attrib["name"]
if len(media_name.split('.')) > 1:
if media_name.split('.')[1] in media_exts:
host_medias[media_name] = {
"name": media_name,
"uri": media.attrib["uri"],
"size": round(int(media.attrib["size"])/1000000, 2)}
media_infos = {host : host_medias}
if debug:
return media_infos
def get_playlist(host, xml_data, m3u=0):
playlist = []
item_list = []
playlist_duration = 0
# VLC's playlist node name can change according to the locale on the client, so check for this too.
if xml_data.find("./node") and (xml_data.find("./node").get('name') == "Playlist" or xml_data.find("./node").get('name') == _("Playlist")):
playlist = xml_data.findall("./node/leaf")
content_format = "{};{};{};"
if m3u:
m3u_hdr = "#EXTM3U\n"
m3u_prefix = "#EXTINF:"
m3u_playlist = m3u_hdr
# M3U file building
m3u_format = "{}{}, {}\n{}\n"
m3u_content = m3u_hdr
for item in playlist:
# item info
if m3u:
m3u_content += m3u_format.format(m3u_prefix, item.get("duration"), item.get("name"), item.get("uri"))
item_info = content_format.format(item.get("id"), item.get("name"), sec2min(int(item.get("duration"))))
# Add cursor to currently playing element
if "current" in item.keys():
item_info += item.get("current")
# Compute playlist length
playlist_duration += int(item.get("duration"))
if debug:
if m3u:
playlist_overview = {
'host' : host,
'status': 1,
'leng' : str(len(playlist)),
'duration' : sec2min(playlist_duration),
'items' : item_list
if debug:
return playlist_overview
def send_pilpil_command(host, arg0, arg1, arg2):
Builds a pilpil request according to args, send it and return parsed result.
port_ = vlc_port
# Build request
# Default request
HTTP_request = "/requests/status.xml"
if arg0 == "list":
# Get playlist
HTTP_request = "/requests/playlist.xml"
elif arg0 == "browse":
if debug:
print("Brosing {}".format(media_folder_remote))
# Browse remote media folder
media_folder_remote_URL = quote(media_folder_remote_expanded)
HTTP_request = "/requests/browse.xml?uri=file://{}".format(media_folder_remote_URL)
if debug:
print("requesting url {} to {}:{}".format(HTTP_request, host, port_))
elif arg0 in cmd_server:
# Switching to cmd server
HTTP_request = "/" + str(arg0)
port_ = cmd_port
elif arg0 != "status":
# Build request for VLC command
HTTP_request = HTTP_request + "?command=" + cmd_player[arg0]
if arg1 != "null" :
if (arg0 == "play") or (arg0 == "delete") or (arg0 == "sort") or (arg0 == "move"):
# Add 'id' url parameter
HTTP_request = HTTP_request + "&id=" + arg1
if (arg0 == "sort") or (arg0 == "move") :
# Add 'val' url parameter
# val possible values : id, title, title nodes first, artist, genre, random, duration, title numeric, album
# https://github.com/videolan/vlc/blob/
HTTP_request = HTTP_request + "&val=" + escape_str(arg2)
elif arg0 == "seek" :
HTTP_request = HTTP_request + "&val=" + arg1
elif (arg0 == "enqueue") or (arg0 == "add") :
# Add 'input' url parameter
HTTP_request = HTTP_request + "&input=file://" + quote(media_folder_remote_expanded) + "/" + arg1
# Send request and get data response
data = send_HTTP_request(host, port_, time_out=3, request_=HTTP_request)
if debug:
print(str(host) + " - data length :" + str(len(data)))
if not data:
print("No data was received.")
return 0
# Parse xml data
xml = ET.fromstring(data)
# Process parsed data and return dict
metadata = get_meta_data(host, xml, arg0)
if debug:
print("Metadata:" + str(metadata))
return metadata
# Utilities
def list_local_media_files(folder):
List files in folder which extension is allowed (exists in media_exts).
if os.path.exists(folder):
files = os.listdir(folder);
medias = []
for fd in files:
if len(fd.split('.')) > 1:
if fd.split('.')[1] in media_exts:
return medias
return []
# /requests/status.xml?command=in_enqueue&input=file:///home/pi/tst1.mp4
def write_M3U(m3u_content : str, host : str):
Write a M3U file named host.m3u from m3u_content
filename = host.replace(".", "_") + ".m3u"
fd = open(filename, "w")
return 1
def escape_str(uri):
Replace spaces with %20 for http urls
return uri.replace(" ", "%20")
def sec2min(duration):
Convert seconds to min:sec format.
return('%02d:%02d' % (duration / 60, duration % 60))
status_message = _("Idle")
def main():
status_message = _("Searching network for live hosts...")
templateData = {
'hosts' : hosts,
'status_message' : status_message,
'queue_msgs' : queue_msgs,
'gui_l10n' : gui_l10n
return render_template('main.html', **templateData)
def scan():
global hosts_available, hosts_unavailable
hosts_available, hosts_unavailable = check_hosts(hosts)
return [hosts_available, hosts_unavailable]
def browse():
return list_local_media_files(media_folder_local)
def sync(host):
# TODO : Add feedback for transfer in GUI
size = 0
if host == "status":
return str(current_upload)
elif host == "all":
for hostl in hosts_available:
size += sync_media_folder(media_folder_local, media_folder_remote_expanded, hostl, cmd_port)
# ~ th = threading.Thread(target=blink_pi, args=(16,))
# ~ th.start()
size = sync_media_folder(media_folder_local, media_folder_remote_expanded, host, cmd_port)
return str(size)
@app.route("/<host>/<arg0>/", defaults = { "arg1": "null", "arg2": "null" })
@app.route("/<host>/<arg0>/<arg1>/", defaults = { "arg2": "null" })
def action(host, arg0, arg1, arg2):
status_message = "Idle"
if (arg0 not in cmd_player) and (arg0 not in cmd_server):
status_message = "<p>{}</p>".format(_("Wrong command"))
return status_message
if host == "all":
# Send request to all available hosts
responses = []
for hostl in hosts_available:
responses.append(send_pilpil_command(hostl, arg0, arg1, arg2))
status_message = responses
elif host not in hosts_available:
status_message = "<p>{}</p>".format("Host is not reachable")
# Send request to specified host
status_message = send_pilpil_command(host, arg0, arg1, arg2)
if debug:
return status_message
if __name__ == '__main__':
# ~ app.run()
serve(app, host='', port=8080)