
392 lines
13 KiB

// Timeline drag and drop
const tl_cont_attr = {id:"tl_cont", ondrop: "drop(event, this)", ondragover:"allowDrop(event)"};
const tl_drag_attr = {id:"tl_drag", draggable:"true", ondragstart:"drag(event, this)"};
// Config
var timeline_color_cursor = "#FF8839";
var timeline_color_bg = "#2EB8E6";
var scanInterval = 3000;
var status_all = "Searching network for live hosts..."
// Global vars
var src_id = "";
var medias_status = {};
var fileButtons = [];
function updatePlaylist(){
var new_list = [];
var media_count = document.getElementById("timeline").children.length;
for (i=media_count,l=0;i>l;i--) {
toMove = document.getElementById("timeline").children[i-1].children[0].getAttribute("media_id");
sendCmd("/all/move/" + toMove + "/1");
function findTargetIndex(element, index, array, thisArg){
if (element == this) {
return index+1;
return 0;
function moveElements(target) {
var elem_list = Array.from(src_id.parentElement.children);
var elem_list_slice = elem_list;
var source_idx = elem_list.findIndex(findTargetIndex, src_id);
var target_idx = elem_list.findIndex(findTargetIndex, target);
var idx;
if (source_idx < target_idx) {
elem_list_slice = elem_list.slice(source_idx+1, target_idx+1);
idx = source_idx;
} else {
elem_list_slice = elem_list.slice(target_idx, source_idx );
idx = target_idx+1;
for (i=0, l=elem_list_slice.length; i<l;i++) {
return target;
function allowDrop(ev) {
drop_id = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text");
function drag(ev, source) {
src_id = ev.target.parentElement;
ev.dataTransfer.setData("text", ev.target.id);
function drop(ev, target) {
var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text");
if (src_id.id != target.id) {
dropTarget = moveElements(target);
if (dropTarget) {
function adjustTl() {
var child = document.getElementById('timeline').children;
var divWidth = 100 / child.length;
for (i=0, l=child.length;i<l;i++) {
child[i].style.width= divWidth + "%";
function addAttr(id, attr, val , child=-1) {
var elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (child>-1){
elem = elem.children[child];
var att = document.createAttribute(attr);
att.value = val;
function addElement(type, attr, meta = 0, j = 0){
var elem = document.createElement(type);
var keys_array = Object.keys(attr);
for (i=0, l=keys_array.length;i<l;i++) {
var att = document.createAttribute(keys_array[i]);
att.value = Object.values(attr)[i]+j;
} else {
att.value = Object.values(attr)[i];
// Set playlist id attribute
if (meta) {
att = document.createAttribute("media_id");
att.value = meta[0];
// Get filename
elem.innerText = meta[1];
return elem;
// Bouttons de commande
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
// Get filename when selected in table
//~ for (var i=0, l=fileButtons.length; i<l; i++) {
//~ var selected_file = fileButtons[i];
//~ // Sur un click
//~ selected_file.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
//~ // On intercepte le signal
//~ event.preventDefault();
//~ }
//~ }
// Tous les elements avec la classe ".command"
var commandButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".command");
for (var i=0, l=commandButtons.length; i<l; i++) {
var button = commandButtons[i];
// Sur un click
button.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
// On intercepte le signal
// On recupere la valeur de value="" sur le bouton
var clickedButton = event.currentTarget;
var command = clickedButton.value;
if ( command.indexOf("/reboot" ) > -1 || command.indexOf("/poweroff") > -1 ) {
if ( !confirm("Êtes vous certain de vouloir effectuer cette action ?") ) {
return 0;
} else if ( command == "/scan" ) {
document.getElementById("status_all").innerHTML = status_all;
} else if ( command.indexOf("/sort") > -1 ){
if (command.indexOf('/1/') > -1 ) {
clickedButton.value = clickedButton.value.replace('/1/','/0/')
} else {
clickedButton.value = clickedButton.value.replace('/0/','/1/')
} else if ( command.indexOf("/move") > -1 ) {
const test_array = [21,19,20];
for (i=test_array.length, l=0;i>l;i--){
sendCmd("/all/move/" + test_array[i-1] + "/1");
//setInterval( sendCmd, scanInterval, "/all/move/16/1");
// On envoie la commande en AJAX
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if ( command == "/scan" ) {
request.onload = sendCmd(command);
} else if ( command == "/sync/all" ) {
status_all = "Syncing files..."
request.onload = sendCmd("/sync/status");
// On construit la commande
request.open("GET", command, true);
// et on l'envoie
}, true);
// Affichage des infos
function parseResult(command, infos_array) {
switch (command) {
case "/all/status":
// Iterate over array
for (var i = 0, l=infos_array.length; i<l; i++) {
// Get filename, time/length
if (infos_array[i].status) {
document.getElementById("status_"+infos_array[i].host).innerHTML = infos_array[i].file + " <br/> " + infos_array[i].time + " / " + infos_array[i].leng;
medias_status[infos_array[i].id] = infos_array[i].pos;
if (infos_array[i].loop == "true") {
document.getElementById("loop_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#78E738"
} else {
document.getElementById("loop_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#A42000"
// Toggle repeat indicator
if (infos_array[i].repeat == "true") {
document.getElementById("repeat_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#78E738"
} else {
document.getElementById("repeat_ind_" + infos_array[i].host).style.backgroundColor = "#A42000"
case "/all/list":
for (var i = 0, l=infos_array.length; i<l; i++) {
// Fill Playlist infos
//~ document.getElementById("playlist_"+infos_array[i].host).innerHTML = infos_array[i].leng + " item(s) in playlist - " + infos_array[i].duration;
// Build html table and timeline
var items_array = Array.from(infos_array[i].items);
if (items_array.length == 0){
var child_list = Array.from(document.getElementById("timeline").children);
//~ var html_table = "<table>" +
//~ "<tr>" +
//~ "<th>Id</th>" +
//~ "<th>Filename</th>" +
//~ "<th>Duration</th>" +
//~ "</tr>";
for (var j = 0, k=items_array.length; j<k; j++) {
// Table
item_meta = items_array[j].split(';');
//~ html_table += "<tr>" +
//~ "<td>" + item_meta[0] + "</td>" +
//~ "<td>" + item_meta[1] + "</td>" +
//~ "<td>" + item_meta[2] + "</td>" +
//~ "</tr>" ;
// Timeline
var child_node = addElement("div", tl_drag_attr, item_meta, j);
var len = document.getElementById("timeline").children.length;
addAttr("timeline", "length", len);
if ( len < items_array.length ) {
document.getElementById("timeline").appendChild( addElement("div", tl_cont_attr, 0, len) );
document.getElementById(tl_cont_attr.id + j).replaceChildren(child_node);
// Adjust elements width
// Highlight currently playing element
if (item_meta[3] != ""){
document.getElementById(tl_cont_attr.id + j).children[0].style.borderBottom = "4px solid " + timeline_color_cursor;
document.getElementById(tl_cont_attr.id + j).children[0].style.fontWeight = "bold";
var pos = medias_status[item_meta[0]] * 100;
//~ pos = pos.toPrecision(2);
var pos1 = pos-1 + "%";
pos = pos + "%";
//console.log( "linear-gradient(90deg," + timeline_color2 + " " + pos1 + ", " + timeline_color1 + " " + pos + ", " + timeline_color2 + " " + pos + ")" );
document.getElementById(tl_cont_attr.id + j).children[0].style.background = "linear-gradient(90deg," + timeline_color_bg + " " + pos1 + ", " + timeline_color_cursor + " " + pos + ", " + timeline_color_bg + " " + pos + ")";
//~ html_table += "</table>";
//~ document.getElementById("playlist_"+infos_array[i].host).innerHTML += html_table;
case "/scan":
var host_up = infos_array[0];
var host_down = infos_array[1];
for ( var i=0, l=host_up.length; i<l; i++){
document.getElementById(host_up[i]).style.display = 'block';
for ( var i=0, l=host_down.length; i<l; i++){
document.getElementById(host_down[i]).style.display = 'none';
if (host_up.length) {
scanInterval = 10000;
//~ document.getElementById("status_all").innerHTML = "Scan interval set to " + scanInterval;
status_all = "Scan interval set to " + scanInterval;
//~ document.getElementById("status_all").innerHTML = host_up.length + " client(s).";
status_all = host_up.length + " client(s).";
case "/browse_local":
var html_table = "<table>" +
"<tr>" +
"<th>Filename</th>" +
"<th>Duration</th>" +
for (var j = 0, k=infos_array.length; j<k; j++) {
html_table += "<tr>" +
"<td>" + infos_array[j] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + "00:00" + "</td>" +
"</tr>" ;
html_table += "</table>";
document.getElementById("filelist").innerHTML = html_table;
case "/all/rssi":
var signal_color = 40;
var best_rssi = 30;
var worst_rssi = 70;
for (var j = 0, k=infos_array.length; j<k; j++) {
var rssi_norm = Math.ceil( (worst_rssi - parseInt(infos_array[j].rssi) ) / ( worst_rssi - best_rssi ) * 4 );
signal_color = (rssi_norm-1) * signal_color;
// Reset to grey
for (i=0, l=4; i<l;i++) {
document.getElementById("wl_"+i).style.backgroundColor = "hsl(0, 0%, 65%)";
// Color it
for (i=0, l=rssi_norm>4?4:rssi_norm; i<l;i++) {
document.getElementById("wl_"+i).style.backgroundColor = "hsl(" + signal_color + ", 100%, 50%)";
case "/all/browse":
for (var i=0, l=infos_array.length; i<l; i++) {
hosts = Object.keys(infos_array[i]);
//~ console.log(keys);
//~ var html_table = "<table id='file_sel_" + hosts + "'>" +
//~ "<tr>" +
//~ "<th>Filename</th>" +
//"<th>Size</th>" +
//~ "</tr>";
for ( var j=0, k=hosts.length;j<k;j++ ) {
keys_ = Object.keys(infos_array[i][hosts[j]]);
//~ console.log(infos_array[i][hosts[j]]);
for ( var m=0, n=keys_.length;m<n;m++ ) {
item_meta = infos_array[i][hosts[j]][keys_[m]];
//~ console.log(item_meta);
//~ html_table += "<tr>" +
//~ "<td class='.file_selection'>" + item_meta["name"] + "</td>" +
//"<td>" + item_meta["size"] + "</td>" +
//~ "</tr>" ;
tr = document.createElement("tr");
td = document.createElement("td");
tr.setAttribute("class", "file_selection");
tr.host = hosts[j];
td.innerText = item_meta["name"];
tr.addEventListener("click", enqueueFile, false)
//~ html_table += "</table>";
//~ document.getElementById("playlist_"+hosts).innerHTML += html_table;
//~ fileButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.file_selection');
//~ console.log(fileButtons);
//~ for (var i=fileButtons.length; i>0; i--) {
//~ fileButtons[i].addEventListener('click', selectFile, false);
//~ }
case "/sync/status":
status_all = infos_array;
}; // End switch case
function sendCmd(command) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function() {
if (request.readyState === request.DONE) {
if (request.status === 200) {
// responseText is a string, use parse to get an array.
var infos_array = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
parseResult(command, infos_array);
//return infos_array;
// On construit la commande
request.open("GET", command, true);
// et on l'envoie
function enqueueFile(evt) {
//console.log(evt.currentTarget.innerText + evt.currentTarget.host);
sendCmd("/" + evt.currentTarget.host + "/enqueue/" + evt.currentTarget.innerText);
function updateStatusAll() {
document.getElementById("status_all").innerHTML = status_all;
setInterval(sendCmd, 500, "/all/status");
setInterval(sendCmd, 1000, "/all/list");
//~ setInterval(sendCmd, 3000, "/all/browse");
setInterval(sendCmd, scanInterval, "/scan");
setInterval(sendCmd, 20000, "/all/rssi");
setInterval(updateStatusAll, 1000);