## 0.1 : 2022-07-19-videopi.img.xz md5sum : 7e80ede8ac4eed8b8088a3b075bdc1f2 sha256 : 03de0272c71bd4614678b05c076d0e77df3f49039ad357ef9152374c748e7f1c * VLC installed, H264 1080p playback ok, wifi ok, remote control via telnet script * Run `ssh-keygen -A` at first boot for the ssh server to work ## 0.2 : 2022-09-24-videopi.img.xz md5sum : f859f269c44f614e22e4fe601c3bb134 sha256 : b6fd8ef4eb726d4ce7d196b9aebf910f32327ecd43f0d78140b8647d328ded22 * Switch VLC to use http lua control * Add systemd unit for running VLC on startup * Add RTL8821CU driver for rpi 1/3 * Boot is now totally silent (blank screen) * Disable Bluetooth ## 0.3 : 2022-10-09-videopi.img.xz md5 : 8e5e5b474af47519785d5a4696db04e2 sha256 : 0fe3fe76d0e56e445124fa20646fa8b3d8c59568786b3ebc8a96d83d92f203e3 * Add rtl8192eu driver for rpi1/3 * Add http server for custom commands : reboot, shutdown, wifi signal, led blinking * Add vlc.playlist.move method to VLC http lua (httprequests.luac) * Add playlist to Webgui * config file parsing ( look for 'videopi.toml' in ./, ~/., ~/.config/) * Add VLC/waitress systemd units for automatic startup * Use nginx reverse proxy + SSL between server and clients ( https://medium.com/@antelle/how-to-generate-a-self-signed-ssl-certificate-for-an-ip-address-f0dd8dddf754 ) * Webgui beautifying # DOING NEXT : * Install script ; Wifi setup, generate/install SSH keys/ nginx cert/key fore each host # DONE : * media sync (scp, rsync, http) # OTHER: * get_client_rssi.sh on server # TODO : * FR localisation * GUI : Btn hover/press ? * ~ Test static IP * Test with several rpis * ? Scripts hotspot linux/win/mac * ? Config sync * ? Change hostname on first start * ? Linux Minimal Virtualbox image * ! Remove git personal details/resolv.conf, remove authorized_keys, clean home, re-enable ssh pw login * ~ Doc