--[==========================================================================[ httprequests.lua: code for processing httprequests commands and output --[==========================================================================[ Copyright (C) 2007 the VideoLAN team $Id$ Authors: Antoine Cellerier Rob Jonson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]==========================================================================] module("httprequests",package.seeall) local common = require ("common") local dkjson = require ("dkjson") --Round the number to the specified precision function round(what, precision) if type(what) == "string" then what = common.us_tonumber(what) end if type(what) == "number" then return math.floor(what*math.pow(10,precision)+0.5) / math.pow(10,precision) end return nil end --split text where it matches the delimiter function strsplit(text, delimiter) local strfind = string.find local strsub = string.sub local tinsert = table.insert local list = {} local pos = 1 if strfind("", delimiter, 1) then -- this would result in endless loops error("delimiter matches empty string!") end local i=1 while 1 do local first, last = strfind(text, delimiter, pos) if first then -- found? tinsert(list,i, strsub(text, pos, first-1)) pos = last+1 else tinsert(list,i, strsub(text, pos)) break end i = i+1 end return list end --main function to process commands sent with the request processcommands = function () local input = _GET['input'] local command = _GET['command'] local id = tonumber(_GET['id'] or -1) local val = _GET['val'] local options = _GET['option'] local band = tonumber(_GET['band']) local name = _GET['name'] local duration = tonumber(_GET['duration']) if type(options) ~= "table" then -- Deal with the 0 or 1 option case options = { options } end if command == "in_play" then --[[ vlc.msg.err( "" ) for a,b in ipairs(options) do vlc.msg.err(b) end vlc.msg.err( "" ) --]] vlc.playlist.add({{path=vlc.strings.make_uri(input),options=options,name=name,duration=duration}}) elseif command == "addsubtitle" then vlc.input.add_subtitle (val) elseif command == "in_enqueue" then vlc.playlist.enqueue({{path=vlc.strings.make_uri(input),options=options,name=name,duration=duration}}) elseif command == "pl_play" then if id == -1 then vlc.playlist.play() else vlc.playlist.gotoitem(id) end elseif command == "pl_pause" then if vlc.playlist.status() == "stopped" then if id == -1 then vlc.playlist.play() else vlc.playlist.gotoitem(id) end else vlc.playlist.pause() end elseif command == "pl_forcepause" then if vlc.playlist.status() == "playing" then vlc.playlist.pause() end elseif command == "pl_forceresume" then if vlc.playlist.status() == "paused" then vlc.playlist.pause() end elseif command == "pl_stop" then vlc.playlist.stop() elseif command == "pl_next" then vlc.playlist.next() elseif command == "pl_previous" then vlc.playlist.prev() elseif command == "pl_delete" then vlc.playlist.delete(id) elseif command == "pl_empty" then vlc.playlist.clear() elseif command == "pl_sort" then vlc.playlist.sort( val, id > 0 ) elseif command == "pl_move" then vlc.playlist.move( id, tonumber(val) or -1) elseif command == "pl_random" then vlc.playlist.random() elseif command == "pl_loop" then --if loop is set true, then repeat needs to be set false if vlc.playlist.loop() then vlc.playlist.repeat_("off") end elseif command == "pl_repeat" then --if repeat is set true, then loop needs to be set false if vlc.playlist.repeat_() then vlc.playlist.loop("off") end elseif command == "pl_sd" then if vlc.sd.is_loaded(val) then vlc.sd.remove(val) else vlc.sd.add(val) end elseif command == "fullscreen" then if vlc.object.vout() then vlc.video.fullscreen() end elseif command == "snapshot" then common.snapshot() elseif command == "volume" then common.volume(val) elseif command == "seek" then common.seek(val) elseif command == "key" then common.hotkey("key-"..val) elseif command == "audiodelay" then if vlc.object.input() and val then val = common.us_tonumber(val) vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(),"audio-delay",val * 1000000) end elseif command == "rate" then val = common.us_tonumber(val) if vlc.object.input() and val >= 0 then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(),"rate",val) end elseif command == "subdelay" then if vlc.object.input() then val = common.us_tonumber(val) vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(),"spu-delay",val * 1000000) end elseif command == "aspectratio" then if vlc.object.vout() then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(),"aspect-ratio",val) end elseif command == "preamp" then val = common.us_tonumber(val) vlc.equalizer.preampset(val) elseif command == "equalizer" then val = common.us_tonumber(val) vlc.equalizer.equalizerset(band,val) elseif command == "enableeq" then if val == '0' then vlc.equalizer.enable(false) else vlc.equalizer.enable(true) end elseif command == "setpreset" then vlc.equalizer.setpreset(val) elseif command == "title" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "title", val) elseif command == "chapter" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "chapter", val) elseif command == "audio_track" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "audio-es", val) elseif command == "video_track" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "video-es", val) elseif command == "subtitle_track" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "spu-es", val) end local input = nil local command = nil local id = nil local val = nil end --utilities for formatting output function xmlString(s) if (type(s)=="string") then return vlc.strings.convert_xml_special_chars(s) elseif (type(s)=="number") then return common.us_tostring(s) else return tostring(s) end end --dkjson outputs numbered tables as arrays --so we don't need the array indicators function removeArrayIndicators(dict) local newDict=dict for k,v in pairs(dict) do if (type(v)=="table") then local arrayEntry=v._array if arrayEntry then v=arrayEntry end dict[k]=removeArrayIndicators(v) end end return newDict end printTableAsJson = function (dict) dict=removeArrayIndicators(dict) local output=dkjson.encode (dict, { indent = true }) print(output) end local printXmlKeyValue = function (k,v,indent) print("\n") for i=1,indent do print(" ") end if (k) then print("<"..k..">") end if (type(v)=="table") then printTableAsXml(v,indent+2) else print(xmlString(v)) end if (k) then xs=xmlString(k) space_loc=string.find(xs," ") if space_loc == nil then print("") else xs=string.sub(xs,1,space_loc) print("") end end end printTableAsXml = function (dict,indent) for k,v in pairs(dict) do printXmlKeyValue(k,v,indent) end end --[[ function logTable(t,pre) local pre = pre or "" for k,v in pairs(t) do vlc.msg.err(pre..tostring(k).." : "..tostring(v)) if type(v) == "table" then a(v,pre.." ") end end end --]] --main accessors getplaylist = function () local p if _GET["search"] then if _GET["search"] ~= "" then _G.search_key = _GET["search"] else _G.search_key = nil end local key = vlc.strings.decode_uri(_GET["search"]) p = vlc.playlist.search(key) else p = vlc.playlist.get() end --logTable(p) --Uncomment to debug return p end parseplaylist = function (item) if item.flags.disabled then return end if (item.children) then local result={} local name = (item.name or "") result["type"]="node" result.id=tostring(item.id) result.name=tostring(name) result.ro=item.flags.ro and "ro" or "rw" --store children in an array --we use _array as a proxy for arrays result.children={} result.children._array={} for _, child in ipairs(item.children) do local nextChild=parseplaylist(child) table.insert(result.children._array,nextChild) end return result else local result={} local name, path = item.name or "" local path = item.path or "" local current_item_id = vlc.playlist.current() -- Is the item the one currently played if(current_item_id ~= nil) then if(current_item_id == item.id) then result.current = "current" end end result["type"]="leaf" result.id=tostring(item.id) result.uri=tostring(path) result.name=name result.ro=item.flags.ro and "ro" or "rw" result.duration=math.floor(item.duration) return result end end playlisttable = function () local basePlaylist=getplaylist() return parseplaylist(basePlaylist) end getbrowsetable = function () --paths are returned as an array of elements local result = { element = { _array = {} } } local dir --uri takes precedence, but fall back to dir if _GET["uri"] then if _GET["uri"] == "file://~" then dir = "~" else local uri = string.gsub(_GET["uri"], "[?#].*$", "") if not string.match(uri, "/$") then uri = uri.."/" end dir = vlc.strings.make_path(common.realpath(uri)) end elseif _GET["dir"] then dir = _GET["dir"] -- "" dir means listing all drive letters e.g. "A:\", "C:\"... --however the opendir() API won't resolve "X:\.." to that behavior, --so we offer this resolution as "backwards compatibility" if string.match(dir, '^[a-zA-Z]:[\\/]*%.%.$') or string.match(dir, '^[a-zA-Z]:[\\/]*%.%.[\\/]') then dir = "" end if dir ~= "" and dir ~= "~" then dir = dir.."/" --luckily Windows accepts '/' as '\' end end if not dir then return result end if dir == "~" then dir = vlc.config.homedir().."/" end local d = vlc.net.opendir(dir) table.sort(d) --FIXME: this is the wrong place to do this, but this still offers --some useful mitigation: see #25021 if #d == 0 and dir ~= "" then table.insert(d, "..") end for _,f in pairs(d) do if f == ".." or not string.match(f,"^%.") then local path = dir..f local element={} local s = vlc.net.stat(path) if (s) then for k,v in pairs(s) do element[k]=v end else element["type"]="unknown" end element["path"]=path element["name"]=f local uri=vlc.strings.make_uri(path) if uri then element["uri"]=common.realpath(uri) end table.insert(result.element._array,element) end end return result; end getstatus = function (includecategories) local input = vlc.object.input() local item = vlc.input.item() local playlist = vlc.object.playlist() local vout = vlc.object.vout() local aout = vlc.object.aout() local s ={} --update api version when new data/commands added s.apiversion=3 s.version=vlc.misc.version() s.volume=vlc.volume.get() if input then s.time=math.floor(vlc.var.get(input,"time") / 1000000) s.position=vlc.var.get(input,"position") s.currentplid=vlc.playlist.current() s.audiodelay=vlc.var.get(input,"audio-delay") / 1000000 s.rate=vlc.var.get(input,"rate") s.subtitledelay=vlc.var.get(input,"spu-delay") / 1000000 else s.time=0 s.position=0 s.currentplid=-1 s.audiodelay=0 s.rate=1 s.subtitledelay=0 end if item then s.length=math.floor(item:duration()) else s.length=0 end if vout then s.fullscreen=vlc.var.get(vout,"fullscreen") s.aspectratio=vlc.var.get(vout,"aspect-ratio"); if s.aspectratio=="" then s.aspectratio = "default" end else s.fullscreen=0 end if aout then local filters=vlc.var.get(aout,"audio-filter") local temp=strsplit(filters,":") s.audiofilters={} local id=0 for i,j in pairs(temp) do s.audiofilters['filter_'..id]=j id=id+1 end end s.videoeffects={} s.videoeffects.hue=round(vlc.config.get("hue"),2) s.videoeffects.brightness=round(vlc.config.get("brightness"),2) s.videoeffects.contrast=round(vlc.config.get("contrast"),2) s.videoeffects.saturation=round(vlc.config.get("saturation"),2) s.videoeffects.gamma=round(vlc.config.get("gamma"),2) s.state=vlc.playlist.status() s.random=vlc.var.get(playlist,"random") s.loop=vlc.var.get(playlist,"loop") s["repeat"]=vlc.var.get(playlist,"repeat") s.equalizer={} s.equalizer.preamp=round(vlc.equalizer.preampget(),2) s.equalizer.bands=vlc.equalizer.equalizerget() if s.equalizer.bands ~= null then for k,i in pairs(s.equalizer.bands) do s.equalizer.bands[k]=round(i,2) end s.equalizer.presets=vlc.equalizer.presets() end if (includecategories and item) then s.information={} s.information.category={} s.information.category.meta=item:metas() local info = item:info() for k, v in pairs(info) do local streamTable={} for k2, v2 in pairs(v) do local tag = string.gsub(k2," ","_") streamTable[tag]=v2 end s.information.category[k]=streamTable end s.stats={} local statsdata = item:stats() for k,v in pairs(statsdata) do local tag = string.gsub(k,"_","") s.stats[tag]=v end s.information.chapter=vlc.var.get(input, "chapter") s.information.title=vlc.var.get(input, "title") s.information.chapters=vlc.var.get_list(input, "chapter") s.information.titles=vlc.var.get_list(input, "title") end return s end