#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # main_c.py # # v0.1 - 2024 schnappy # # The Tuffy font is public domain and was created by # Thatcher Ulrich http://tulrich.com # Karoly Barta bartakarcsi@gmail.com # Michael Evans http://www.evertype.com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A full copy of the GNU General Public License is available from # https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html # import collections import gettext # DLSR support import gphoto2 as gp from io import BytesIO from itertools import count import locale import os from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageFilter, ImageDraw, ImageOps, ImageFont import sys import threading import time import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox import tomllib # async FFMPEG exportation support import asyncio from ffmpeg.asyncio import FFmpeg from send2trash import send2trash # TODO : Todo List # # X wait event mode # X remove frames # X keep images in memory (odict > list ?) # X resize images upon shooting/crop output video ? # X project workflow # X use a different folder for each project (A, B, C, etc...) # X startup : check for existing folder with name A, B, C, etc. # X startup : offer to continue previous project or new project # X if continue, find last frame in folder X else, find next letter and create folder # X colored onion skin frame (pillow filters) # X startup frame # X Import config values from config file # X Translation # X Allow opening and exporting without a camera connected # o Better settings names # o webcam support (pygame, win and linux only) # X picam support (picamera2) # o notify export ending # o Use try/except for picam and pygame lib import running_from_folder = os.path.realpath(__file__) alphabet = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'] # l10n LOCALE = os.getenv('LANG', 'en_EN') _ = gettext.translation('template', localedir='locales', languages=[LOCALE]).gettext # Config # defaults project_settings_defaults = { # DSLR = 0, picam = 1, webcam = 2 'camera_type': 0, 'file_extension':'JPG', 'trigger_mode': 'key', 'projects_folder': '', # ~ 'project_letter': 'A' 'onion_skin_onstartup' : False, 'onionskin_alpha_default' : 0.4, 'onionskin_fx' : False, 'fullscreen_bool' : True, 'screen_w' : 640, 'screen_h' : 480, 'framerate' : 16, 'vflip' : False, 'hflip' : False, 'export_options' : 'scale=1920:-1,crop=1920:1080:0:102', 'cache_images' : False, } # Camera Settings (Nikon D40x) # See `gphoto2 --list-config` to find your camera's values camera_settings = camera_status = {} # Load from file config_locations = ["./", "~/.", "~/.config/"] config_found_msg = _("No configuration file found, using defaults.") project_settings = project_settings_defaults for location in config_locations: # Optional config files, ~ is expanded to $HOME on *nix, %USERPROFILE% on windows if os.path.exists( os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(location, 'config.toml'))): with open(os.path.expanduser(location + 'config.toml'), 'rb') as config_file: project_settings = tomllib.load(config_file) if 'CHECK' in project_settings: camera_status = project_settings['CHECK'] if 'CAMERA' in project_settings: camera_settings = project_settings['CAMERA'] if 'DEFAULT' in project_settings: project_settings = project_settings['DEFAULT'] config_found_msg = _("Found configuration file in {}").format(os.path.expanduser(location)) print(config_found_msg) class KISStopmo(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): self.check_config() if project_settings['camera_type'] != 0: from picamera2 import Picamera2 # Default config # Set script settings according to config file self.onion_skin = project_settings['onion_skin_onstartup'] self.onionskin_alpha_default = project_settings['onionskin_alpha_default'] self.onionskin_fx = project_settings['onionskin_fx'] self.fullscreen_bool = project_settings['fullscreen_bool'] self.screen_w, self.screen_h = project_settings['screen_w'], project_settings['screen_h'] self.framerate = project_settings['framerate'] self.playback = False # ~ self.photo = None self.end_thread = False # Window setup self.screen_w, self.screen_h = root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight() root.wm_attributes("-fullscreen", self.fullscreen_bool) root.title('KISStopmotion') root.iconbitmap('@' + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'kisstopmo.xbm')) # Image container creation self.label = tk.Label(root) self.label.pack() # Savepath setup self.projects_folder = tk.filedialog.askdirectory() self.savepath = self.get_session_folder() if len(self.savepath): self.project_letter = self.savepath.split(os.sep)[-1] else: self.project_letter = 'A' # Export settings # ~ self.input_filename = "{folder}{sep}{letter}.%04d.{ext}".format(folder=self.savepath, sep=os.sep, letter=project_settings['project_letter'], ext=project_settings["file_extension"]) self.input_filename = "{folder}{sep}{letter}.%04d.{ext}".format(folder=self.savepath, sep=os.sep, letter=self.project_letter, ext=project_settings["file_extension"]) self.input_options = {"f": "image2", "r": str(self.framerate)} # ~ self.output_filename = "{folder}{sep}{filename}.mp4".format(folder=self.projects_folder, sep=os.sep, filename=self.savepath.split(os.sep)[-1]) self.output_filename = "{filename}.mp4".format(filename=self.project_letter) self.output_options = self.parse_export_options(project_settings['export_options'], project_settings['vflip'], project_settings['hflip'] ) # Get frames list self.img_list = {} self.img_list = self.get_frames_list(self.savepath) self.img_index = self.check_range(len(self.img_list)-1, False) self.splash_text = _("No images yet! Start shooting...") # Camera setup if project_settings['camera_type'] != 0: try: self.camera = Picamera2() self.picam_conf_full = self.camera.create_still_configuration(main={"size":(1920,1080)}, lores={"size":(800,600)}) self.camera.configure(self.picam_conf_full) # Autofocus, get lens position and switch to manual mode # Set Af mode to Manual (1). Default is Continuous (2), Auto is 1 # TODO: lock exposure, wb self.camera.set_controls({'AfMode':1}) self.camera.start(show_preview=False) self.camera.autofocus_cycle() self.camera_lenspos = self.camera.capture_metadata()['LensPosition'] self.camera.set_controls({'AfMode':0, 'AwbEnable': False, 'AeEnable': False}) self.camera.stop() except: self.camera = False self.splash_text += _("\nCamera not found or busy.") else: self.camera = gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_new()) try: gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_init(self.camera)) # get configuration tree self.current_camera_config = gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_get_config(self.camera)) self.apply_camera_settings(self.camera, self.current_camera_config) if self.check_status(self.camera, self.current_camera_config) is False: print(_("Warning: Some settings are not set to the recommended value!")) except: self.camera = False self.splash_text += _("\nCamera not found or busy.") self.timeout = 3000 # milliseconds self.splashscreen = self.generate_splashscreen() self.image = None self.update_image() if self.image: if self.onion_skin: if self.img_index: photo = self.apply_onionskin(self.image, self.onionskin_alpha_default, self.onionskin_fx) else: photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.image) self.label.configure(image=photo) self.label.image = photo if project_settings['trigger_mode'] == 'event': root.after(1000, self.trigger_bg_loop) # Key binding root.bind("", lambda event: root.attributes("-fullscreen", False)) root.bind("", lambda event: root.attributes("-fullscreen", True)) root.bind("", self.next_frame) root.bind("", self.previous_frame) root.bind("", self.toggle_onionskin) root.bind("", self.preview_animation) root.bind("", self.trigger_export_animation) root.bind("", self.remove_frame) root.bind("", self.print_imglist) if project_settings['trigger_mode'] != 'event': root.bind("", self.capture_image) def check_config(self): global project_settings for setting in project_settings_defaults: if setting not in project_settings: project_settings[setting] = project_settings_defaults[setting] def parse_export_options(self, options:str, vflip:bool=False, hflip:bool=False): options = {"vf" : options} if vflip: options['vf'] += ',vflip' if hflip: options['vf'] += ',hflip' return options def generate_splashscreen(self): splash = Image.new('RGB', (self.screen_w, self.screen_h), (200,200,200)) splash_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(splash) if self.splash_text is not None: font = ImageFont.truetype("Tuffy_Bold.ttf", 60) font_len = font.getlength(self.splash_text.split('\n')[0]) splash_draw.multiline_text((self.screen_w/2 - font_len/2, self.screen_h/2 ), self.splash_text, fill=(255, 255, 255), font=font, align='center', spacing=20) # Use in-memory splash_bytes = BytesIO() splash.save(splash_bytes, 'png') return splash def find_letter_after(self, letter:str): if letter in alphabet and alphabet.index(letter) < len(alphabet) - 1: return alphabet[alphabet.index(letter) + 1] else: return False def get_projects_folder(self): if len(self.projects_folder): project_folder = self.projects_folder else: # Get user folder project_folder = os.path.expanduser('~') # If a project folder is defined in settings, use it if project_settings['projects_folder'] != '': subfolder = project_settings['projects_folder'] else: # If it doesn't exist, use a default name subfolder = 'Stopmotion Projects' project_folder = os.path.join(project_folder, subfolder) # Create folder if it doesn't exist if os.path.exists(project_folder) == False: os.mkdir(project_folder) else: if not os.path.isdir(project_folder): # If file exists but is not a folder, can't create it, abort return False return project_folder def get_session_folder(self): project_folder = self.get_projects_folder() if project_folder: sessions_list = [] dir_list = os.listdir(project_folder) # Filter folders with name only one char long for dir in dir_list: if len(dir) == 1 and dir in alphabet: sessions_list.append(dir) # If folders exist, find last folder in alphabetical order if len(sessions_list): sessions_list.sort() last_letter = sessions_list[-1] # By default, find next letter for a new session next_letter = self.find_letter_after(last_letter) if next_letter is False: return False # A previous session folder was found; ask the user if they wish to resume session resume_session = tk.messagebox.askyesno(_("Resume session?"), _("A previous session was found in {}, resume shooting ?").format(os.path.join(project_folder, last_letter))) if resume_session: next_letter = last_letter else: next_letter = 'A' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_folder, next_letter)) is False: os.mkdir(os.path.join(project_folder, next_letter)) print(_("Using {} as session folder.").format(os.path.join(project_folder, next_letter))) return os.path.join(project_folder, next_letter) return False def trigger_bg_loop(self): self.event_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.wait_for_capture) self.event_thread.start() def wait_for_event(self): # ~ while True: event_type, event_data = self.camera.wait_for_event(self.timeout) if event_type == gp.GP_EVENT_FILE_ADDED: cam_file = self.camera.file_get( event_data.folder, event_data.name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL) # ~ next_filename = prefix+next(filename)+ext next_filename = self.return_next_frame_number(self.get_last_frame(self.savepath)) target_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), next_filename) print(_("Image is being saved to {}").format(target_path)) cam_file.save(target_path) # ~ return 0 def print_imglist(self, event): print(self.img_list) def get_frames_list(self, folder:str): # Get JPG files list in current directory # ~ existing_animation_files = [] # ~ if not len(self.img_list): existing_animation_files = self.img_list # ~ existing_animation_files = file_list = os.listdir(folder) for file in file_list: if (file.startswith(self.project_letter) and file.endswith(project_settings['file_extension'])): if file not in existing_animation_files: # ~ existing_animation_files.append(file) existing_animation_files[file] = None if len(existing_animation_files) == 0: # If no images were found, return fake name set to -001 to init file count to 000 # ~ return ["{}.{:04d}.{}".format(project_settings['project_letter'], -1, project_settings['file_extension'])] return {"{}.{:04d}.{}".format(self.project_letter, -1, project_settings['file_extension']):None} # ~ else: # Remove fake file name as soon as we have real pics # ~ if 'A.-001.JPG' in existing_animation_files: # ~ existing_animation_files.pop('A.-001.JPG') # ~ existing_animation_files.sort() existing_animation_files = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(existing_animation_files.items())) return existing_animation_files def clean_img_list(self, folder_path): # Check file in dict exists, else remove it file_list = os.listdir(folder_path) # Iterate over copy of dict to avoid OOR error img_list_copy = dict(self.img_list) for file in img_list_copy: if file not in file_list: self.img_list.pop(file) def batch_rename(self, folder:str): # initialize counter to 0 frame_list = self.get_frames_list(folder) counter = (".%04i." % x for x in count(0)) # ~ for i in range(len(frame_list)): for i in frame_list.keys(): # ~ if os.path.exists(os.path.realpath(frame_list[i])): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, i)): # ~ os.rename(os.path.realpath(frame_list[i]), os.path.realpath("{}{}{}".format(project_settings['project_letter'], next(counter), project_settings['file_extension']))) os.rename(os.path.join(folder, i), os.path.join(folder, "{}{}{}".format(self.project_letter, next(counter), project_settings['file_extension']))) # ~ print(os.path.join(folder, "{}{}{}".format(self.project_letter, next(counter), project_settings['file_extension']))) else: print(_("{} does not exist").format(str(i))) return self.get_frames_list(folder) def offset_dictvalues(self, from_index=0): dict_copy = dict(self.img_list) for i in range(from_index, len(dict_copy)): if i < len(self.img_list)-1: self.img_list[list(self.img_list.keys())[i]] = list(self.img_list.values())[i+1] else: self.img_list[list(self.img_list.keys())[i]] = None def remove_frame(self, event): if len(list(self.img_list.items())): folder_path = os.path.realpath(self.savepath) frame_name = list(self.img_list.items())[self.img_index][0] # ~ frame_path = os.path.realpath(frame_name) frame_path = os.path.join(folder_path, frame_name) if not os.path.exists(frame_path): return 0 print(_("Removing {}").format(frame_path)) # trash file send2trash(frame_path) # remove entry from dict self.img_list.pop(frame_name) # offset cached images self.offset_dictvalues(self.img_index) # rename files and get new list self.img_list = self.batch_rename(folder_path) self.clean_img_list(folder_path) # update index if possible self.img_index = self.check_range(self.img_index, False) # update display self.update_image(None, self.img_index) # ~ def open_jpg(self, filepath:str, w:int, h:int): def open_jpg(self, filetuple:tuple, w:int, h:int, vflip:bool=False, hflip:bool=False): # If pic not cached if filetuple[-1] is None: try: image = Image.open(os.path.join(self.savepath, filetuple[0])) image = ImageOps.fit(image, (w, h)) if vflip: image = image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if hflip: image = image.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if project_settings['cache_images']: # TODO : Do not cache image to preserve memory self.img_list[filetuple[0]] = image except FileNotFoundError: return False else: if project_settings['cache_images']: image = filetuple[-1] return image def check_range(self, x, loop=True): if x < 0: if loop: return len(self.img_list)-1 else: return 0 elif x > len(self.img_list)-1: if loop: return 0 else: return len(self.img_list)-1 else: return x def apply_onionskin(self, image, alpha, fx=False): # ~ prev_image = Image.open(self.img_list[self.img_index-1]) # ~ prev_image = prev_image.resize((self.screen_w, self.screen_h)) prev_image = list(self.img_list.items())[self.img_index-1] if prev_image[-1] is None: prev_image = self.open_jpg(prev_image, project_settings['screen_w'], project_settings['screen_h'], project_settings['vflip'], project_settings['hflip']) else: prev_image = prev_image[-1] if fx: prev_image = prev_image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) composite = Image.blend(prev_image, image, alpha) photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(composite) return photo def update_image(self, event=None, index=None): # TODO : check event mode still works if event is not None: self.img_index = self.check_range(self.img_index+1) if index is None: # ~ index = self.img_index index = self.check_range(self.img_index) if len(list(self.img_list.items())): # TODO: better approach # If name == X.-001.JPG, we don't have any frame yet, so display splashscreen if list(self.img_list.items())[index][0] == "{}.{:04d}.{}".format(self.project_letter, -1, project_settings['file_extension']): new_image = self.splashscreen else: new_image = self.open_jpg(list(self.img_list.items())[index], project_settings['screen_w'], project_settings['screen_h'], project_settings['vflip'], project_settings['hflip']) else: new_image = self.splashscreen if new_image: photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_image) if self.onion_skin: if index: photo = self.apply_onionskin(new_image, project_settings['onionskin_alpha_default'], project_settings['onionskin_fx']) self.label.configure(image=photo) self.label.image = photo # ~ return new_image self.image = new_image # ~ new_image.close() return True else: return False def next_frame(self, event): self.img_index = self.check_range(self.img_index+1) self.update_image(None, self.img_index) def previous_frame(self, event): self.img_index = self.check_range(self.img_index-1) self.update_image(None, self.img_index) def preview_animation(self, event): # save OS state if self.onion_skin: self.onion_skin = False onion_skin_was_on = True # playback # TODO : Use async function for playback # ~ self.playback = not self.playback for img in self.img_list: # ~ self.update_image(None, self.img_list.index(img)) # ~ if self.playback: self.update_image(None, list(self.img_list.keys()).index(img)) root.update_idletasks() time.sleep(1/self.framerate) # ~ else: # ~ break # ~ self.update_image(None, self.img_index) self.display_last_frame() # restore OS state if 'onion_skin_was_on' in locals(): self.toggle_onionskin() return 0 def toggle_onionskin(self, event=None): self.onion_skin = not self.onion_skin self.update_image() def get_last_frame(self, folder:str): # Refresh file list existing_animation_files = self.get_frames_list(folder) # Get last file # Filename pattern is A.0001.JPG # ~ return existing_animation_files[-1].split('.') print(next(reversed(existing_animation_files.keys()))) return next(reversed(existing_animation_files.keys())).split('.') def display_last_frame(self): self.img_list = self.get_frames_list(self.savepath) self.img_index = len(self.img_list)-1 self.update_image(None, self.img_index) def return_next_frame_number(self, last_frame_name): prefix, filecount, ext = last_frame_name filename = '.{:04d}.'.format(int(filecount)+1) # ~ filename = (".%04i." % x for x in count(int(filecount) + 1)) # ~ return prefix + next(filename) + ext return prefix + filename + ext def set_config_value(self, config, setting, new_value): cur_setting = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_child_by_name(config, setting)) # find corresponding choice cur_setting_choice = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_choice(cur_setting, new_value)) # set config value gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_set_value(cur_setting, cur_setting_choice)) def apply_camera_settings(self, camera, config): # iterate over the settings dictionary for setting in camera_settings: # find the capture mode config item # ~ cur_setting = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_child_by_name(config, setting)) # ~ # find corresponding choice # ~ cur_setting_choice = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_choice(cur_setting, camera_settings[setting])) # ~ # set config value # ~ gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_set_value(cur_setting, cur_setting_choice)) self.set_config_value(config, setting, camera_settings[setting]) # validate config gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_set_config(self.camera, config)) def check_status_value(self, config, value, optimal_value=None): cur_check = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_child_by_name(config, value)) cur_check_value = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_value(cur_check)) if optimal_value is not None: cur_check_choice = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_choice(cur_check, optimal_value[value])) return [cur_check_value, cur_check_choice] else: return cur_check_value def check_status(self, camera, config): for value in camera_status: # ~ cur_check = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_child_by_name(config, value)) # ~ cur_check_choice = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_choice(cur_check, camera_status[value])) # ~ cur_check_value = gp.check_result(gp.gp_widget_get_value(cur_check)) cur_check_value, cur_check_choice = self.check_status_value(config, value, camera_status) if cur_check_value == cur_check_choice: return True else: # Some values are not optimal return False # ~ def find_shutterspeed(camera, config): def find_shutterspeed(self, camera): # get exposure using /main/status/lightmeter > should be 0 config = gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_get_config(camera)) current_lightmeter_value = self.check_status_value(config, 'lightmeter') current_shutterspeed_value = self.check_status_value(config, 'shutterspeed2') # ~ previous_shutterspeed_value = -1 print(str(current_lightmeter_value) + " - " + str(current_shutterspeed_value)) speed = 30 if current_lightmeter_value < 0: # or current_lightmeter_value > 7: # ~ while current_lightmeter_value < -7: print(_("speed too high")) while current_lightmeter_value < -7: self.set_config_value(config, 'shutterspeed2', speed) # 0 to 46 gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_set_config(camera, config)) time.sleep(1) config = gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_get_config(camera)) # ~ previous_shutterspeed_value = current_shutterspeed_value current_lightmeter_value = self.check_status_value(config, 'lightmeter') current_shutterspeed_value = self.check_status_value(config, 'shutterspeed2') speed += 1 print(speed) print(str(current_lightmeter_value) + " - " + str(current_shutterspeed_value)) if current_lightmeter_value > 0: print(_("Speed too low.")) while current_lightmeter_value > 7: self.set_config_value(config, 'shutterspeed2', speed) # 0 to 46 gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_set_config(camera, config)) time.sleep(1) config = gp.check_result(gp.gp_camera_get_config(self.camera)) # ~ previous_shutterspeed_value = current_shutterspeed_value current_lightmeter_value = self.check_status_value(config, 'lightmeter') current_shutterspeed_value = self.check_status_value(config, 'shutterspeed2') speed -= 1 print(speed) print(str(current_lightmeter_value) + " - " + str(current_shutterspeed_value)) return True def capture_image(self, event=None, event_data=None): # get net file name based on prefix, file count and extension next_filename = self.return_next_frame_number(self.get_last_frame(self.savepath)) # build full path to file target_path = os.path.join(self.savepath, next_filename) if project_settings['camera_type'] != 0: self.camera.start(show_preview=False) self.camera.set_controls({"LensPosition": self.camera_lenspos}) self.camera.capture_file(target_path, 'main', format='jpeg') self.camera.stop() else: # Get file from DSLR camera if event_data is None: new_frame_path = self.camera.capture(gp.GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE) # ~ self.camera.trigger_capture() new_frame = self.camera.file_get( new_frame_path.folder, new_frame_path.name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL) print(_("Saving {}{}").format(new_frame_path.folder, new_frame_path.name)) else: print(_("Getting file {}").format(event_data.name)) new_frame = self.camera.file_get( event_data.folder, event_data.name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL) new_frame.save(target_path) # ~ next_filename = prefix+next(filename)+ext if '{letter}.-001.JPG'.format(letter=self.project_letter) in self.img_list: self.img_list.pop('{letter}.-001.JPG'.format(letter=self.project_letter)) # Display new frame self.display_last_frame() def wait_for_capture(self): if self.end_thread == True: print(_("Ending thread")) return event_type, event_data = self.camera.wait_for_event(self.timeout) if event_type == gp.GP_EVENT_FILE_ADDED: self.capture_image(None, event_data) # ~ root.after(self.timeout, self.wait_for_capture) self.wait_for_capture() async def export_animation(self): ffmpeg = ( FFmpeg() # overwrite file .option("y") .input( self.input_filename, self.input_options) .output( # ~ self.output_filename, self.export_filename, self.output_options ) ) await ffmpeg.execute() def trigger_export_animation(self, event): # ~ output_folder = filedialog.askdirectory() self.export_filename = () self.export_filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.mp4', filetypes=((_("Mp4 files"), '*.mp4'),)) if not self.export_filename: # ~ self.export_filename = "{folder}{sep}{filename}".format(folder=os.getcwd(), sep=os.sep, filename=self.output_filename) return False print(_("Exporting to {}").format(self.export_filename)) self.export_task = asyncio.run(self.export_animation()) # check with self.export_task.done() == True ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69350645/proper-way-to-retrieve-the-result-of-tasks-in-asyncio def end_bg_loop(KISStopmo): if KISStopmo.camera is not False: if project_settings['camera_type'] != 0: KISStopmo.camera.stop() else: KISStopmo.camera.exit() KISStopmo.end_thread = True root = tk.Tk() toot = KISStopmo(root) root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', end_bg_loop(toot)) root.mainloop()