DejaVuSansMono.ttf | ||
mpdlisten.py | ||
mpdlistenpy.service | ||
pot_cap.py | ||
readme.md |
This python script is supposed to run on a rpi and does the following :
- Relay trigger : Watches a MPD instance for play/pause/stop states and activates a relay via GPIOs accordingly ; the usecase for this is powering on/off a pair of speakers only when something is running.
- OLED display : Drives a 0.96" OLED display (ssd1306) to display MPD status (volume, current artist, album, title...)
- Button input : watches GPIOs for button input ; I'm using 5 push buttons for controlling playback (previous, next, toggle playback, stop, menu) or browse the database and add stuff to the playlist.
- Potentiometer input : Watches a GPIO for estimating the resistance of a rotary potentiometer and set volume accordingly.
- Install the latest light version of Raspberry Pi OS and run it on the RPI model of your choice.
- Install the following dependencies
Overall GPIOs usage
| FUNCTION | GPIO # | | OLED | GND, 3.3V, 2(SDA), 3(SCL) | | 5 BUTTONS | GND, 7, 8, 9, 11, 25 | | POTENTIOMETER | GND, 3.3V, 23 | | RELAY | GND, 5V, 17 |
You can check these here : https://pinout.xyz/
Oled screen
Using the SSD1306 OLED screen involves a few steps described here :
and here :
Once you've gone through these steps, you should be good to go.
Relay circuit
We're using the circuit described on projects-raspberry.com :
- 5V DC coil relay
- BC337 NPN transistor
- 1N4002 diode
- 1KΩ resistor
source: https://projects-raspberry.com/raspberry-pi-driving-a-relay-using-gpio/
Buttons circuit
Dead simple way described here, using a common GND, and 1 GPIO/button :
The only difference is the addition of a resistor on the GND rail.
If you're short on GPIOs, there is a way to use a single GPIO for multiple buttons based on resistance described here :
Potentiometer circuit
Using the 'step response' method described here (It's the same principle as in the link above), we can use an analog potentiometer to control volume.
The solution described in the previous link is not very accurate though, so we'll be using an alternative solution offered by abyz.me.uk :
- 100nf Ceramic capacitor
- 5KΩ Potentiometer
3V3 ----- Potentiometer --+-- Capacitor ----- Ground
+-- GPIO 23
Instructions for use are in the source file. The library ('pot_cap.py') is included in this project for convenience.
You might have to install the 'pigpio' library though :
sudo apt install python3-pigpio
You can find out more about installing 'pigpio' here :
Optional steps
Installing the systemd service
- Copy the provided service file 'mpdlistenpy.service' to '~/.config/systemd/user/mpdlistenpy.service'.
- Update, enable and start the service as a user :
# If you need to edit the path to the script (should be in ~/mpdlisten by default)
# systemctl --user --full edit mpdlistenpy.service
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable mpdlistenpy.service
systemctl --user start mpdlistenpy.service
Automounting Samba shares on startup
source : https://root.nix.dk/en/utility-scripts/mount-samba-share-as-user
Automounting USB